The Adobe Partnership

The Adobe Partnership

MiaProva and Adobe Target go way back.  In this blog post, Adobe highlights the relationship and how MiaProva adds values to organizational testing programs.  MiaProva stems from my many years of helping organizations build effective optimization programs using Offermatica, Omniture Test&Target, and finally Adobe Target.  MiaProva’s founders have a long history with Adobe Target and are deemed as industry expert in the optimization field. During their long tenure of supporting clients to most effectively build out a testing program, they recognize significant gaps in program management.

MiaProva is Optimization Program Management where organizations can:

•  Solicit and manage test ideas
•  Vote on test ideas based on level of effort and estimated return all while proving transparency around votes and prioritization
•  Standardize test submissions making use of industry best practices and adherence to statistical best practices
•  Leverage proprietary scoring systems for test prioritization
•  Make use of work streams that facilitate efficient and scalable test execution
•  Get automated reporting and screen shots
•  Receive alerts and notifications when something good or something not so good happens on a test
•  View tests and planned tests via Calendar
•  Manage test offers and create offer templates
•  Access a live dashboard of all tests with clear visibility into the tests that are making an impact
•  Have a Knowledge Library that is automatically generated and made available for easy consumption
•  Quickly and easily understand the impact Optimization is bringing to organizational key success metrics and what tests were the biggest drivers of that impact

MiaProva is an open platform with open services.  Our architecture allows organizations to bring in their test data any way that they like.  For Adobe Target users, it is a much different story as MiaProva and Adobe allow for all of this work to take place behind the scenes in a programmatic and automatic way.

MiaProva was originally built using Adobe’s Legacy APIs and was publicly made available using those APIs as the backbone for this cross-solution communication.  Then Adobe Target strategically moved their APIs to Adobe I/O during the decommissioning of Adobe Target Classic and MiaProva worked closely with the Adobe teams to ensure business as usual for early MiaProva customers as we re-engineered things to support both API methods simultaneously.  MiaProva was then re-architected to be 100% on Adobe I/O and the cross-solution communication couldn’t be better!

The Formal Partnership

MiaProva - Adobe Solution Partner Portal

To build on this great relationship between MiaProva and Adobe and to continue adding value to mutual customers, MiaProva and Adobe have entered into a formal partnership.  MiaProva is now a proud member of Adobe’s Solutions Partner Program.  Adobe’s Solution Partner Program is for organizations that extend or build on the Adobe Experience Cloud and MiaProva certainly does that and more.  You can find MiaProva in their Solution Partner Finder.

Adobe Exchange


MiaProva is also proudly now part of the Adobe Exchange.  Adobe Exchange is where apps, extensions, and plug-ins that have been vetted by Adobe are made available for organizations to learn more about them.  You can check out MiaProva’s listing in the Adobe Exchange here.

MiaProva - Adobe App Exchange

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